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Planned Parenthood Direct App

Planned Parenthood Direct is a mobile application for providing access to women’s health products for hundreds of thousands of Americans. Our journey of pushing quality traffic to app downloads has been a cornerstone of growth for the application. Our ongoing work includes growth marketing across all paid channels for the application.

My Role

Led paid social campaigns and user acquisition strategy  targeting the main KPI of app downloads and new purchases.


Q4 2020 Goal 

  1. Increase number of new orders on the app

  2. Increase number of installs (iOS & Android)

  3. Reach 18-24yr old females in smaller US states

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Leveraging the algorithms from Tik Tok, we strategized a paid campaign to spread awareness of  delivered birth control.  Created storyboards based on trending songs, dances and #hashtags.  Always driving installs, you can download the app  via Tik Tok. 

Tik Tok ads perform best when the content looks native to the user's page versus high quality ad production videos. That's exactly what we did. 


As part of our cross-channel strategy, we collaborated with Planned Parenthood Direct to create a series of short videos showcasing how easy and discreet it is to get birth control delivered directly from your phone.



The Planned Parenthood Direct App generated 560K impressions in the first month alone, and that led to 360 app installs with 73% ROI. In December 2020, the ads had resulted in over 11K app installs.

The final results of this TikTok campaign:


  • CPI down from $14 to $1

  • +11k App Installs

  • 10M impressions

  • 55k clicks

  • Purchase Conversion Rate 18%

KRFTWRK continues to work with Planned Parenthood Direct for Product Design and Growth Marketing. Read the case study.

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